An exploratory analysis of the data quickly revealed patterns that we were expecting: household power usage peaks in the evening were correlating with the peaks of ev charging power usage.

10 months ago ~ Fabian Lüthard

The switch to EV usage and residential charging is bound to increasingly become a challenge for the electricity grid. Our team set out to discover the flexibility potential for residential EV charging.

10 months ago ~ Fabian Lüthard

Finishing up and preparing the presentation.

10 months ago ~ Andreas Schuth

We divided the challenge in 4 different goals. 1. Energy Disaggregation, 2. UX+Product, 3. Net-Dataset, 4. Customer Clustering (Answers) - checking first results now ;)

10 months ago ~ Andreas Schuth

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* dribs n. pl.: in small amounts, a few at a time

Energy Data Hackdays 2024