setup a github repository for our project

3 years ago ~ tom_strosslin

forked EKZ's smartmeter-datacollector github repository to adapt it to the AEW smartmeter

3 years ago ~ tom_strosslin

Concept stage and mockup finished. Gathered ideas to elevate potential user contribution. Pitch presentation in progress

3 years ago ~ Martin

Pitch presentation. Still *

3 years ago ~ Martin

Second day of hacking! Statistics are fun. We are creating functions for novel indicators such as ramping and extreme values in order to analyze the load data.

3 years ago ~ melin_walet

All four meters feeding into MQTT, forwarded to InfluxDB and re-published under a uniform basic profile back to MQTT. Visualization using Grafana and OpenHub in place.

3 years ago ~ derrickoswald

Prototype to get API working for portal


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* dribs n. pl.: in small amounts, a few at a time