Two teams - web scraping (to collect data), analysis (verify first examples manually)

1 year ago

People are heading home. Some of them will pick it up tomorrow.

1 year ago ~ derrickoswald

Collaboration space set up, first cut project documentation completed

1 year ago

Setting up the nestli simulation tool on my machine.

1 year ago

Working plan for day 2 coordinated - approach for findings and documentation

1 year ago

Documentation mostly completed - hack portal, pitch deck

1 year ago

We walked around and found beautiful data just floating in the September air.

1 year ago

We just managed to connect all our devices to the same MQTT broker!

2 years ago ~ cjordi

Analyzing building data of the city of St.Gallen.

2 years ago ~ clara_esteve

Join a project to share your progress!

* dribs n. pl.: in small amounts, a few at a time

Energy Data Hackdays 2024