Finishing up and preparing the presentation.

1 year ago ~ Andreas Schuth

We divided the challenge in 4 different goals. 1. Energy Disaggregation, 2. UX+Product, 3. Net-Dataset, 4. Customer Clustering (Answers) - checking first results now ;)

1 year ago ~ Andreas Schuth

Team building finished and coffee acquired

1 year ago ~ Florian Hammer

Setting up coding environment and providing data

2 years ago ~ Florian Hammer

There was a long wide-ranging discussion about the achievable goal for the Hackdays. The general gist was to establish a middleware layer handling each meter's unique format to "re-publish" the data in a common format, but there was no agreement yet on what that format would be.

2 years ago ~ derrickoswald

We are analysing the data from the survey to gain information about structure, purpose or activities.

2 years ago ~ Vasileios

Just the clicking of keys and mice...

2 years ago ~ derrickoswald

We are analysing the data from the survey to gain information about structure, size and activities

2 years ago ~ Vasileios

Join a project to share your progress!

* dribs n. pl.: in small amounts, a few at a time