Periodic aggregation of electricity system data

This project is about using the web scraping platform to periodically download, clean up and aggregate data about the European electricity system. At the moment, we focus on time series data about renewables in-feed and electricity demand.

Scripts to download and process data about the electricity system are already available from a platform called Open Power System Data ( The project aggregates and processes data about the European electricity system and publishes these as clean CSV files. The platform is still in beta and about to launch publically in autumn 2016. It has published its data processing scripts already on Github (, which is what we are using as a base for the scraper we are developing in this project.

The scraper (work in progress):



  • Relevant documentation …
  • Blog or forum posts …
  • Tools you used …

While this project is no longer active, it continues to be an excellent overview, with good resources like this list of open energy data projects

1 month ago ~ oleg

Event finish

Challenge shared
Tap here to review.

8 years ago ~ oleg


Contributed 8 years ago by oleg for Energy Data Hackdays 2016