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Raise awareness and support global climate goals
Help meet the Paris Convention goals to achieve net 0 by 2050, less than 2 tonnes CO^2 per person! We want to raise awareness around energy use and consumption by putting Switzerland on the map at and put its open data API to use. (Challenge #11)
28.08.2020 15:04
First solution ideas have been explored and discussed. Beer has been deployed.
28.08.2020 23:00
Despite some hurdles we got everything ready for our idea but realised that it won't be accepted by electricity maps.
29.08.2020 11:00
Complete restart to a much simpler model that will hopefully be accepted by electricity maps and still be better a gray spot on tha map.
29.08.2020 13:40
Ideas are tested and documented. However, it's not running live.
Energy Data Hackdays 2020
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