11_Pre Qualification Test
deriving a representive frequency profile, with which TSO can certfy the providers for the FCR service.
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- Analysis of historical data (frequency deviation measurements for FCR, control signal sent by Swissgrid for aFRR) to derive patterns in the data (e.g., using Machine Learning techniques, such as clustering)
- Identify the most prominent patterns in the data and collect them into a set of representative signal extracts
- Combine the signal extracts into an overall signal that is representative enough of various scenarios, for example, base-case signal, worst-case signal with regards to power capacity, worst-case signal with regards to energy capacity, worst-case signal with regards to ramping power, etc.
- Determine the list of tests to be included in the new prequalification test, making use of the signal extracts among other things
Note: signing a legal agreement with Swissgrid is required to access some of this data.
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