Prediction of PV installation angles
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SwissgridChallenge PV Installation Angles.pdf
Problem/current situation
- Pronovo AG issues certificates of origin to photovoltaic (PV) plant owners.
- They have a database of mostPV plants (location, tilt, orientation, capacity, …) in Switzerland.
- But: Data oninstallation angles (orientation & tilt) is incomplete and not public.
We don´t know
- Which PV plant belongs to which building?
- On which roof(s) are the panels likely installed?
- How many roofs are covered to which extent?
- Estimate the installation angles (tilt & orientation) for each PV plant.
- We want to generate forecasts for all ~233.700 PV plants in the Pronovo database to improve our forecast
- We need to know more about the installation angles.
- The sonnendach.chdatabase holds data on roofs (tilt, orientation, suitability for PV). Panel Orientation, Panel Tilt
- Can you predict PV installation angles (orientation & tilt) based on sonnendach.ch’sdata on roofs?
Swissgrid , Xiying Liu, Giulio Ferraris, Christoph Glanzer and Thomas Lanz
Energy Data Hackdays 2024
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