Swiss Energy Dashboard

We are working on a toolkit / demo application where we try to visualize data coming from an OpenHAB setup. This setup sends some key values like electricity consumption and production. We are taking this information and putting it into an ElasticSearch cluster using MQTT, Xively and Logstash, and enrich the data with PLUS Energy building database from and

The key thing we're trying to do is calculate PLUS Energy factor of the home - basically a number which says if it is energy-neutral/-friendly/-negative. We try to correlate this data, get a simple number, and create a dashboard visualizing these numbers.

We need more data! If you have data from your house, please send it - format specification: 16_Database-1000_peg_Template.xls


  • Self-produced


  • Didier

  • Hannes
  • Olaf

Event finish

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8 years ago ~ oleg


Contributed 8 years ago by oleg for Energy Data Hackdays 2016

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