Challenge Project

01: Assessing flexibility potential based on real-world e-mobility data

Discovering the flexibility / peak shaving potential in residential EV charging.

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Residential e-mobility charging is expected to support the energy transition for increasing the share of renewable energy. However, the potential is often estimated based only on simulations and without any real-world data. In this challenge, you can assess the flexibility potential with unidirectional and bidirectional charging of residential e-mobility charging based on real-world data. For this purpose, we bring lots of real-world load- and charging data from over 500 charging stations and cars. What is the flexibility potential of this fleet of chargers and cars? How could this flexibility be utilized and how big are potential monetary benefits? How can flexibility and monetary benefits be increased by bidirectional charging compared to only unidirectional charging?

EKZ: Ludger Leenders, Bendikt Hilpisch

Edited (version 18)

19.09.2023 08:42 ~ gaston_energy


Edited (version 17)

19.09.2023 08:40 ~ gaston_energy

Edited (version 16)

19.09.2023 08:40 ~ gaston_energy

Edited (version 15)

19.09.2023 08:39 ~ gaston_energy

Edited (version 14)

19.09.2023 08:38 ~ gaston_energy

Edited (version 13)

19.09.2023 08:38 ~ gaston_energy

Event finished

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16.09.2023 10:03 ~ fabian_luethard

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16.09.2023 10:01 ~ fabian_luethard


An exploratory analysis of the data quickly revealed patterns that we were expecting: household power usage peaks in the evening were correlating with the peaks of ev charging power usage.

16.09.2023 09:58 ~ fabian_luethard

Edited (version 9)

16.09.2023 09:56 ~ fabian_luethard

The switch to EV usage and residential charging is bound to increasingly become a challenge for the electricity grid. Our team set out to discover the flexibility potential for residential EV charging.

16.09.2023 09:55 ~ fabian_luethard

Joined the team

16.09.2023 08:00 ~ Bill

Event started

Edited (version 3)

14.09.2023 08:21 ~ gaston_energy

Edited (version 2)

14.09.2023 08:19 ~ gaston_energy

Edited (version 1)

11.09.2023 16:34 ~ gaston_energy


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