Edited (version 11)
03: Beyond Labels
Uncovering Flexibility Potential in Energy Consumption Data
Energy suppliers will be faced with an increasingly complex production and consumption landscape. In order to anticipate these complex changes new methods for categorizing customers or novel services are needed. This challenge focuses on new methodologies to detect the flexibility potential of prosumers. As novel smart-home devices will allow automatic control of high-power consumption devices like EV-charging, electric heating (heat pumps), tumble dryers in private households or even complex machinery in industrial facilities – flexibility is driven by energy efficiency or financial incentives via dynamic tariffs. One key aspect will be the maximal load of a household or an industrial facility on the local grid. Flexible tariffs are designed to reduce peak loads and will be a financial incentive for scheduling consumption and production. This challenge aims to identify unknown devices as flexibility potential in unlabeled consumption data – paving the way for smart tariffs and novel services in the portfolio of a modern energy supplier.
Challenge Owner: Primeo Energie AG
Event finish
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we are finished!!! https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1KdsIOs91fQ3QhN4YmfH9rum5lL2-yRVE?authuser=1#scrollTo=Z3cTGg6o2AXI
Finishing up and preparing the presentation.
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We divided the challenge in 4 different goals. 1. Energy Disaggregation, 2. UX+Product, 3. Net-Dataset, 4. Customer Clustering (Answers) - checking first results now ;)
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Energy Data Hackdays 2023
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