Stefano Spadaccia

  • ⚙️ Dev

Astrophysicist who likes coding, now in the energetic sector.


Energy Data Hackdays 2024

September 12 - 13, 2024 Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz Campus Brugg-Windisch

Fundamental changes are on the horizon in the energy sector. The challenges are the 3 D's. Decarbonisation, Digitalisation and Decentralisation. Digital tools are being used in more and more areas in order to optimize and stabilize the interplay between energy supply, use and storage. Hackathons...


Some statistics out of the analysis: retrieved non-zero prices: 94 / 125 (75%) retrieved non-zero hourly/weekly/seasonal tables: 42 /125 (33.5%) number of results in agreement with Elcom: 0 / 125 (0%)

1 week ago