Watts & Bots: Energizing Swiss Tariff Transparency with AI

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Develop a GenAI solution using the OpenAI API, which can provide the end user with the correct detailed electricity tariffs of all individual products of each electricity provider (including the break-down of prices into the different components) for every municipality in Switzerland.

20240910 14 05 49Strompreise Schweiz und 4 weitere Seiten  Geschäftlich  Microsoft Edge.png


There are more than 600 local electricity providers in Switzerland, each one of which has different electricity prices for different unique products, according to different customer types. As a result, at least a thousand of different electricity tariffs exist in Switzerland, a detailed overview of which does not exist. Elcom hosts a website, where the end customers can compare their tariffs to similar tariffs at other municipalities in Switzerland, however this comparison is a rather rough one, relying on average prices for high and low tariffs and on very specific (and rather unrealistic) assumptions about the electricity consumption of each customer type (Strompreise Schweiz (admin.ch)). Thus, the end customers cannot have an exact comparison of their electricity bill with other locations and energy companies do not have the exact data to test new products and services (electric mobility, battery storage etc.) and to perform the exact financial modelling needed for them to decide on where it is more profitable to operate and what to charge.

Here's a list of possible benefits of precise electricity tariffs per energy provider in Switzerland:


  • Cost savings: Allows EV users to charge during cheaper periods.
  • Promotes EV adoption: Attractive tariffs for off-peak charging.

Energy Efficiency:

  • Optimized consumption: Encourages shifting energy use to lower-cost periods.
  • Supports efficient appliances: Incentivizes using energy-efficient devices.

Renewable Energy:

  • Boosts self-consumption: Favors users with solar panels to maximize self-produced energy.
  • Better integration: Optimizes use of solar/wind power.

Grid Stability:

  • Demand shifting: Reduces peak demand, enhancing grid stability.
  • Demand response: Enables participation in grid relief programs.

Customer Satisfaction:

  • Personalized tariffs: Tailored to individual consumption, increasing satisfaction.
  • Transparency: Offers better control over energy costs.

Competitive Advantage:

  • Market differentiation: Innovative tariffs set providers apart.
  • Customer acquisition: Attracts new customers with clear, attractive tariffs.

Environmental Impact:

  • CO2 reduction: Encourages renewable energy use and reduces peak consumption.
  • Sustainable practices: Incentivizes eco-friendly behavior.

Flexible Pricing:

  • Time-based tariffs: Aligns consumption with lower-cost periods.

Dynamic pricing:

  • Reflects real-time market conditions.


  • Data: The different tariffs can be found in PDF format on the Elcom website and are openly available on the Elcom website. Feel free to use your imagination to access further potentially valuable information online via web-scrapping
  • Solution: Use openAI models (or do you have a better idea?) to get the correct information (we can start with the x biggest utilitites in Switzerland and build it up from there).
  • Frontend (optionally): Provide a frontend for easy comparison of electricity prices in different regions and across different years in Switzerland


  • Gain hands-on experience with the openAI API and test the LLM technology – worth it or hype debunked?
  • Learn about the different electricity tariffs and provide a fresh look into tariff differences across regions


  • Coding skills (Python and/or Javascript preferred, others welcomed)
  • First experiences with GenAI and writing prompts
  • Creative thinking – let’s prototype


  • Repository: https://github.com/geoimpact/electricity-tariffs
  • Key (encrypted): U2FsdGVkX1/e3dQHsSUfAtb1NqrtQfxriv5mT+UVXm808t4b3d2S/g+sMIYSj0hmRcv6byYw/N8tU938I12RYDWWxFuP/EIVuPxThADCw6X8IRaVce8EG4/N0dGPHtDhqNO/NIuQIeEfYzy3Z/GylhM2mgraoh5Ok77Dvro+od1RWe92mnD5sH9jbpcgGiLyjXQtMe1ifAEzqFA6BVGV03MCkOGfe1SRTYSygOUU20TkFxuyVK0TOhL4dyxH9sfB
  • Project Coordination: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kzSg2NGnhJ7JnRw92oTBIT9yq9eGEWVUAH4OQuudQIs/edit


EKZ und GeoImpact, Angelos Selviaridis (EKZ) and David Suter (GeoImpact)


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