Real-Time Grid Load Visualization and Consumer Impact Analysis

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We aim to bridge the gap between end-users and the operational data of distribution grids by providing real-time, accessible visualizations of grid loads. We bring a hands-on challenge that leverages a hardware setup featuring a Janitza power meter, commonly used within distribution grids, alongside a local server infrastructure to read and store data in InfluxDB.


Our challenge is to create a user-friendly web interface that visualizes the load measured by the Janitza power meter. This visualization could be represented in a form such as a traffic light system, signaling the maximum load levels. Additionally, we aim to incorporate sample household consumption data and explore how this individual data correlates with the overall grid pattern. The goal is to provide end-users with insights into their contribution to grid peaks (which can lead to higher costs) or their ability to consume anti-cyclically to help reduce peak costs.


The hardware setup includes a Janitza power meter that will be connected to a local server, capturing data via Modbus and storing it in InfluxDB. We will also provide sample household consumption data for analysis and correlation with the grid load patterns.


NCCR und EW Walenstadt/ASGAL, Benjamin Sawicki & Thomas Gall

Event finish

Edited (version 10)

1 week ago ~ david_guillaume

BOOM! Look at this!

1 week ago ~ benjamin_sawicki

Great job keep going!

1 week ago ~ oleg


1 week ago ~ benjamin_sawicki

Nobody failed to show up here!

1 week ago ~ oleg

Edited (version 7)

1 week ago ~ benjamin_sawicki

1 week ago ~ benjamin_sawicki

Joined the team

1 week ago ~ benjamin_sawicki


  Let's get started!

1 week ago ~ oleg

Joined the team

1 week ago ~ vitalii_znak

Challenge shared
Tap here to review.

4 weeks ago ~ benjamin_sawicki
Contributed 4 weeks ago by benjamin_sawicki for Energy Data Hackdays 2024
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