Characterisation of demand side flexibility

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In a collaboration between SAK and HSLU, heat pumps and electric boilers in a pilot area were retrofitted with sophisticated metering and control hardware. Aim of the project is to monetise demand side flexibility through a local flexibility market platform. Demand side flexibility shall be used in a coordinated way for DSO peak shaving, BRP portfolio optimization, as well as TSO balancing services.

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Assess the suitability of the various devices to provide flexibility. How well do they react to the external control signal? How accurately can the energy consumption be predicted and shaped in practice? How much could this flexibility be worth?


Anonymized consumption data from heat pumps and boilers in 30 second resolution over multiple weeks, including historical activation signals.


SAK und HSLU, André Egli (HSLU) and Lukas Zigerlig (SAK)

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