When do Balance Energy Prices Skyrocket?

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Bundesamt für Energie, Lucas Tochtermann

When do Balance Energy Prices Skyrocket?

Presented at Energy Data Hackdays 2024. Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, September 12 - 13, 2024. The original slides can be found in CHALLENGE.md


Working in an open source data science environment, we used Jupyter Notebooks to dive into the challenge of understanding and modelling national energy balancing with Python. In our presentation you can see the key outputs, or browse our notebooks and other sources shared on GitHub.

The goal is better understanding of the subject matter through clear presentation of the data. Our data sources, as well as further literature and links that were referenced can be found in a section further on.

An initial Energy Overview was done by combining outputs from five energy sources with data available for this year:

Comparison of Share and Price of Tertiary Energy

Comparison of Amount and Price of Tertiary Energy

Energy Overview

We started mocking up a basic dashboard using Marimo, which could include further read-outs and interactive graphs.

Prediction of load levels was done with Chronos forecasting running in a Runpod, as shown here:

We also ran tests in the SARIMAX and Nixtla forecasting libraries.

Finally, a Timeline of April 22 events was started by collecting key developments in a spreadsheet.

We thank all the participants of the Hackdays, and hope that we provoke further data exploration in the future!


Dataset File Source
Day-ahead prices, hourly auction_spot_prices_switzerland_2024.csv EPEX
Day-ahead traded volumes, hourly auction_spot_volumes_switzerland_2024.csv EPEX
Balancing prices for BGs short/long, 15min balancing_prices_2024.csv Swissgrid
Day-ahead prices, hourly day_ahead_prices_CH_2024.csv ENTSO-E
Swiss power generation per type, hourly generation_per_type.csv ENTSO-E
Swiss power generation per type (staging), hourly generation_per_type_staging.csv ENTSO-E
Yearly calendar of events kalender_2024_ch.csv -
Legend of Meteoschweiz columns legende meteoschweiz.csv Meteoschweiz
Consumption schedule, hourly load.csv ENTSO-E
Consumption Schedule (staging), hourly load_staging.csv ENTSO-E
Weather data staging_ms_6120.csv Meteoschweiz
Weather data (unprocessed) staging_ms_6121.csv Meteoschweiz
Problems reported in power supply unavailability_of_generation_units.csv ENTSO-E

Join our Data Expedition to help efforts to catalog and support open data for projects like this one. Further links can be found in the Resources section of the Hackdays.


Since it is not possible for the market participants to have all the information we have, we have to reconstruct the probable situation from the available sources - and if we recognize patterns, find out in which combination the variables become important. To learn about pricing models for power trading, see this With The Grid blog post.

Swissgrid has to pay the current balancing price, and there is little to counter speculation and mispredictions. Few understand the background about the schedules and how Swissgrid organizes the grid operation. The Swissgrid website has various documents that illustrate the matter.

For a brief intro to statistical forecasting with Python, see SARIMAX at Statsmodels.org

In the Media

These articles on the events in April were mentioned in the Challenge presentation:


We found these prior Hackday and other projects inspirational:

Simulation as Game

Inspired by Koboldgames, who supported previous Energy Hackdays and have developed serious games involving environmental and economics models, we researched whether games are being used to simulate and teach power systems.

We used Etherpad (hosted at OKFN DE) to collaborate on these notes.

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