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Active projects and challenges as of 19.02.2025 08:01.
01: Assessing flexibility potential based on real-world e-mobility data
Discovering the flexibility / peak shaving potential in residential EV charging.
- michele_bolla
- fabian_luethard
- jan_schlegel
- manuel_meyer
- giacomo_pareschi
- mathias_steilen
- winnie_chan
- wolfram
- Bill
03: Beyond Labels
Uncovering Flexibility Potential in Energy Consumption Data
04: Catching up with photovoltaic expansion
Published pv installed capacity underestimates pv production. We want to estimate pv installed capacity considering pv growth patterns
05: Building Energy Insights - Empowering Building Owners
Create a user-friendly tool to offer building owners personalised insights for early and informed energy planning decisions
- clara_esteve
- aline_freitas
- noel_oliveira
- alex_wirz
- patrice_blechschmidt
- christoph_zemp
- lukas_gysin
- ramona_m
- TobiasSigel
- harry
- matthias_sarbach
- andre_eggli
- sean_goff
- felix_meier
- marco_inniger
- fabian_eichenberger
09: Identifying static yaw misalignment of wind turbines
10: Day-ahead active losses forecasting
- xiying
- thomas_felder
- adrian_rupp
- patrick_schrmann
- philipp_hillen
- meinj
- tobias_jucker
- shajivan_satkurunathan
- jorge_goncalves
- jolivier
- jerome_leveque
- noe_duruz
- tim_breitenbach
- sandy_duruz
- mathias_steilen
12: Predicting Voltages in Substations
Prediction of Voltages in Substations for Grid Stabilisation
- adrian_buntschu
- david
- lara_bärtschi
- marco_steiner
- ayam_babu
- alison_fersch
- throjma
- pascal_cornu
- jeffrey_honold
- nicolas_dallo
- nicolas_pelzmann