Aggregating data to search the sustainability of offered real estate
Impulses and hurdles for sustainable development per municipality
Build a platform where people can freely donate their energy data to society
Better market predictions before you put energy into the grid
Do you have a new idea for a model using one of the datasets? Can you improve on the existing models?
How can digital twins help us to safe energy while keeping our appartements warm and guaranteeing that sufficient hot water is available?
A smaller Project of the initial Idea 09 Customer Data Analytics
Trends in tertiary energy prices
deriving a representive frequency profile, with which TSO can certfy the providers for the FCR service.
Empower actors to contribute to the climate neutral goals until 2050 in cities.
What do changes in the way and in the intensity electricity is consumed mean for our grid?
When is it “greener” to charge an electric car?
Empower citizens to use their own energy data. Using the smartmeter's local interface for visualisation and automation
Tokenisation of Energy and Fractional Ownership of Digital Assets provide new possibilities for financing PV-projects.